Navigating the Unique Architecture of Philadelphia for Accessible Homes

Philadelphia is a city steeped in history, and its unique architecture reflects that. However, that history can present unique challenges when it comes to creating accessible homes. The city’s narrow row homes, steep stairs, and other architectural features can make it difficult for individuals with mobility limitations to navigate their homes safely and comfortably. In this post, we’ll explore some of the challenges of creating accessible homes in Philadelphia and provide some tips for navigating these obstacles.

One of the biggest challenges of creating accessible homes in Philadelphia is the city’s narrow row homes. These homes were built close together to save space, and many of them are over 100 years old. This means that the doorways and hallways in these homes can be too narrow to accommodate a wheelchair or other mobility device. When modifying these homes, it’s important to work with a professional who has experience working with narrow spaces and can recommend the best modifications to create a safe and accessible home.

Another challenge of creating accessible homes in Philadelphia is the city’s steep stairs. Many homes in Philadelphia have narrow and winding staircases, which can be difficult to navigate for individuals with mobility limitations. Installing a stair lift or vertical platform lift can help make the home more accessible, but it’s important to work with a professional who has experience installing these devices in older homes.

Historical Philadelphia Street
“One of the biggest challenges of creating accessible homes in Philadelphia is the city’s narrow row homes.”


In addition to narrow spaces and steep stairs, many homes in Philadelphia have other architectural features that can make them challenging to modify for accessibility. For example, homes with basements often have steep steps leading down to the basement, which can be a hazard for individuals with mobility limitations. Similarly, homes with second-story balconies may be difficult to modify for accessibility.

Despite these challenges, it is still possible to create accessible homes in Philadelphia. Working with a professional who has experience with the unique challenges of Philadelphia’s architecture can help you identify the best modifications to make your home more accessible. This might include widening doorways, installing grab bars, and replacing steep stairs with lifts or ramps.

In conclusion, the unique architecture of Philadelphia can present challenges for creating accessible homes. However, by working with a professional who has experience with these challenges, it is possible to create safe and accessible homes that meet the needs of individuals with mobility limitations. If you’re considering modifying your home for accessibility, don’t let the challenges of Philadelphia’s architecture discourage you. With the right modifications and professional guidance, you can create a home that is safe, comfortable, and accessible.

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